Three iconic characters, each hailing from wildly different realms of fame, collide in a comical scenario. First, we have Uganda Knuckles, a virtual sensation known for its quirky and nonsensical charm, baffling yet amusing millions online. Then, there's Harry Potter, the wizard wonder-kid, who with his wand and wizardry, enchanted a generation, standing as a beacon of bravery against the darkest of evils. And, in the political corner, we find Obama, the once-commander-in-chief of the U.S., whose rallying cry of hope and progress led him to historic achievements. Together, they form an eclectic trio, a whimsical blend of internet meme, magical fantasy, and political prowess, showcasing the bizarre and brilliant spectrum of cultural phenomena.
The total supply of BBBB is 69,000,000.
Trust in BBBB.
1. Download the Metamask extension and create an account.
2. Connect Metamask to the Uniswap DEX on Base Mainnet
3.Copy the contract address into the swap section and ENJOY THE MOON